Annual Geraniums generally seed very freely and some care should be taken when planting them in the garden. They go through their entire life cycle in one growing season, so seeds can be started in the spring, and the plant will grow, flower, and die by the end of the summer. No climate zone information is given for these plants, as the seeds should be planted after the last frost.
Handsome, Drought-Resistant, Weed Smothering Ground Cover!
300 of 1 gallon size Geranium macrorrhizum 'Album' (white flowers, fragrant leaves). $7.00 ea.** (wholesale price upon request to horticulture professionals)
A special thank you to all of you who have written to us over the years giving us good and bad news about the geraniums in your gardens. We couldn't put the following list together without you.
Full sun in coastal areas; morning sun/afternoon shade only in areas with high summer temperatures; light shade in intense summer heat.
Ground covers are plants with innumerable crowns whose roots spread through the ground; not plants having a central crown from which annual stems cover the ground for a season. Most wide-spreading geraniums that are used as ground covers do best in light shade or areas with filtered light. For sunny locations use G. himalayense in Borders and Bedding and G. dalmaticum from Rock Gardens and Containers. Plants in this section will take half sun to filtered light. In hot summer areas they may need total shade.
Most geraniums in this section require excellent drainage. They can be grown in containers or rock gardens, and most of them require at least half a day's sun. Plants may need some protection from sun in the afternoon in areas with high summer temperatures. Thick walled containers which keep plant roots cool will help to ensure the plant's survival.
Plants in this section have long trailing stems, and look most effective growing through shrubs, large perennials or over banks and walls. All will take some shade, particularly in the afternoon; South African geraniums are most sun tolerant and only need protection in the hottest summers. See also G. x riversleaianum 'Mavis Simpson' G. x riversleaianum 'Russell Prichard' and G. 'Rozanne' from Borders and Bedding.
Filtered sunlight encourages more bloom; some plants in this section will also do well in morning sun, especially in mild summer areas.
Robin has an Instagram account if you'd like to check that out!
G. 'Sabani Blue'
Dark violet blue flowers with a pale eye. Large mounding plant with large rounded dark green leaves. USPP16305